Becoming Orthodox

The Orthodox take becoming Orthodox very seriously, just as she does all the sacraments of the church. However, becoming Orthodox can be described the same as the sacrament of marriage. There are stages on the road to becoming Orthodox, just as a couple moves through stages in their relationship before meeting at the altar to become married. Likewise, once you are Orthodox it is a serious commitment, just as marriage is a lifelong commitment, so to is being an Orthodox Christian. Therefore becoming Orthodox is not as simple as saying, “I’ve decided to be an Orthodox Christian.” Below is a description of the steps one needs to meet before Holy Baptism/Chrismation can take place.


First Step: Inquire

When one is curious about the Orthodox faith one is referred to as an inquirer. There is no commitment from the inquirer to the church at this point. It is likened to a courtship, or dating someone. You are getting to know the church. Seeing if you “fit” together, see if you understand and can believe what the church teaches. Below is some basic information many inquirers find helpful.


Second Step: Catechumen

After you have inquired and have found that you would like to become Orthodox, your next step is to talk to the priest and enter into a commitment much like engagement before marriage. Below is a little more information on the process.


Third Step: Holy Baptism/Chrismation

Once you have completed the steps of Catachism, you will be participating in your first Orthodox Sacrament. That is Holy Baptism/Chrismation. Click below for a video of the two Sacraments.