
Orthodox faithful light candles before the Icons as a sign of their faith and hope in God’s help that is always sent to all who turn to Him and His Saints with faith and prayers. The candle is also a symbol of our burning and grateful love for God. During the reading of the Twelve Passion Gospel at Holy Friday Matins, the faithful hold candles, re-living our Lord’s sufferings and burning with love for Him. It is an ancient custom of Orthodox Christians to take home a lit candle from this Service and to make the Sign of the Cross with it on their doors in remembrance of Our Lord’s sufferings and as protection against evil.

We are happy to light a candle on your behalf, at our Holy Trinity Cathedral, within 48-hours of receipt of your request. Please leave your prayer request and/or the individuals name for the prayer below.

May God bless you and give you strength.

Small Taper Candle

Large Taper Candle

Please leave your prayer request here

7-Day Votive